Local Democracy Agency Sisak (LDA Sisak) is non-governmental and non-for-profit organisation, established in 1996 as a pilot project of Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Council of Europe with aim to support local democratic processes, promote human rights, active citizenship and international cooperation. We are using specific methodology of multilateral decentralised cooperation in partnership with local/regional self-governments, civil society organisations and other relevant steakholders. Since 2006 registered as a national organisation, continuing to promote same objectives, following social context and local communities’ needs and trends in social innovations.
LDA Sisak objectives:
• Local democratic processes development by citizens’ participation in decision-making, planning and development of pluralistic and multicultural society;
• Promotion, education, development and advocacy of human rights, active citizenship and volunteering;
• Fostering and development of life-long-learning and non-formal education;
• Support to civil society organisations and local authorities in sustainable and participatory democracy development;
• Social innovations and community services development;
• International cooperation development.
LDA Sisak programs:
1. Local democracy and active citizenship
2. Volunteer’ Centre Sisak
3. Sustainable development
4. Social-cultural centre
Our vision
Society in which citizens actively, equally and responsibly develop solidarity, resilient and sustainable communities.
Our mission
LDA Sisak contributes to the social capital strengthening by developing capacities of the civil society, authorities, individuals and wider community.
• Respect of human rights
• Respect of diversity
• Culture of peace
• Interculturality
• Active citizenship
• Developing partnerships
• Connecting communities
• Democracy
• Innovative methods for fostering positive social changes
• Sustainable development
• Inclusion
Previously known as Local Democracy Embassy – Sisak, at the beginning of its work as an international organisation, respond to current needs of the territory in a sense of humanitarian aid and in crises management in post-war era. By changing the territory needs, LDA Sisak is more involved in democratic reform and capacity building to secure smooth and stable transition to democracy. Moreover, it helps in applying European standards in all areas of community life. What has started as pilot project, it has been transformed in a sustainable organisation with network of local experts that follows community needs by its programmes and by its results respond to those needs.
The Council of Europe’s Congress of Local and Regional Authorities political support is key element of Local Democracy Agencies programme success. The support has been manifested throughout practical activity support of the LDAs and the ALDA in providing expertise, informing and financing concrete projects. Till 2007 Council of Europe has been financing LDAs partner meetings that helped great deal in spreading of partners’ network.
Resolution 251 (1993), Recommendation 15 (1995), Resolution 39 (1996), Resolution 56 (1997), Resolution 73 (1998)
Networks and program cooperation
ALDA - European Association for Local Democracy
ALDA – European Association for Local Democracy is one of the biggest European networks dealing with good governance and active citizenship. Counts over 300 members (including local authorities, associations of local authorities, and civil society organisations) coming from more than 40 countries. Gather 18 Local Democracy Agencies whereof 3 are Operative partners. LDA Sisak is a statutory member and since 2013, ALDA’s Operative partner.
CVDC - Croatian Volunteer Development Center
Croatian Volunteer Development Center encourages the development of volunteerism in Croatia through 4 main areas with strategic goals: Promotion and information; Capacity building and knowledge and quality management; Connectivity, networking and advocacy; and Strengthening organisational capacities.
ALF - Anna Lindh Foundation
ALF is dedicated to promote dialogue among cultures in Mediterranean region. It operates as a network of a national networks, gathering civil society organisations, public institutions and similar organisations from different fields of work. Seated in Alexandria in Egypt, ALF is present in 42 member states of the Bologna process: Union for Mediterranean.
SEEYN - South East European Youth Network
SEEYN – South East European Youth Network gathers civil society organisations directly working with youth aiming to support young people to grow up in responsible, active, socially aware citizens who value solidarity. Main work fields are youth activism, volunteering infrastructure, non-formal education, youth employment, mobility as well as social innovations, and youth in community development.
LPD - Sisak-Moslavina Local Partnership for Development
Sisak-Moslavina Local Partnership for Development is an institutional body established with the purpose for strategic planning, implementation and improvement of human resources policies development. LPD aims to contribute to county’ development by involving steakholders in creation, development and implementation of relevant documents at the program and project level, implementing in the area of the Sisak-Moslavina County.

Terenski rad u Jugoistočnoj Europi i Južnom Kavkazu kroz mrežu 11 Agencija lokalne demokracije – Hrvatska (3), Bosna i Hercegovina (3), Srbija (3), Crna Gora (1) i Gruzija (1).
Razmjena najboljih praksi i podizanje svijesti u suradnji s europskim partnerima i članovima.
Partners List
Association of the Local Democracy Agencies, France (lead partner)
City of Sisak, Croatia
City of Petrinja, Croatia
City of Hrvatska Kostajnica. Croatia
Municipality Dvor, Croatia
Going to Europe, Italy
International School for Peace Studies, Northern Ireland
Annual reports
Other documents
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Donors List
SOLIDARNA – Foundation for human rights and solidarity
Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the EEA and Norwegian grants
Office for Cooperation with NGOs of the Government of the Republic of Croatia
National Foundation for Civil Society Development, Croatia
Ministry of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy
Agency for Regional Development of the Republic of Croatia
Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes, Croatia
IPA Cross-border Cooperation Program Croatia-Bosnia and Herzegovina
European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights
Danube Transnational Programme
Sisak-Moslavina County, Croatia
Governmental Office for Gender Equality of the Republic of Croatia
Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Croatia
Regional Foundation for Local Development Zamah, Croatia
French Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Association of Italian Municipalities (ANCI)
OSCE Mission to Croatia – Field Office Sisak
Our team:
Josipa Drvodelić – GB president
Branka Paškuljević Turniški
Mirela Dovranić Grubić
Paula Raužan – president
Martina Kovačević – head of finances and administration
Barbara Marjanović – program assistant and volunteers’ coordinator
Monika Selimović – program assistant and volunteers’ coordinator
Mirna Makovac – program assistant
Martina Jambrović – program assistant