Funded by the EU, Erasmus + Program, Key Action 1

Organisers: Youth Centre BIT & South East European Youth Network
Albania – Beyond Barriers, Bosnia and Herzegovina – SEEYN, Bulgaria – Ideas factory, CVS, Croatia – VCZ, LDA Sisak, Cyprus – Youth Power, Czech Republic – Brno Connected, Estonia – ESTYES, Greece – AEGEE Athens, Hungary – Centre Youth Association, Italy – Associazione Going to Europe, ASD Balon Mundial Onlus, Latvia – Express Yourself, Macedonia – MKC Bitola, Creactive, Montenegro – ADP ZID, Poland – Fundacja 4YOUth, Romania – Asociația Tinerilor Activi Civic, Slovakia – A.D.E.L., Serbia – VEM, EC Krusevac, Slovenia – MC Bit, Spain – Fundació Catalunya Voluntària, Building Bridges
Project is designed as the training for volunteer coordinators, managers and people who are directly involved with management of volunteers and have some previous experience.
Objectives of the training course are providing participants with competences and tools for implementing effective volunteer management system; raising participants’ skills for creating their own local/international short/long-term volunteering programs. With this training course, we aim to increase social skills and personal development of participants and raise awareness of importance and values of volunteering.
With this project, we want to:
Provide learning opportunity for young people to gain advanced competences needed for successful volunteer management of volunteers in projects, activities and everyday life of their organizations on local and international level;
Contribute to promotion of volunteering and active participation of youth in their local communities;
Improve voluntary system and conditions of volunteers in voluntary projects and activities;
Foster mutual understanding of certain topics among youth from different cultures and promote intercultural learning and non-formal education to young Europeans;
Contribute to personal development and social skills of participants and improve quality of civil society projects and initiatives;
Provide space for networking and developing mutual projects, sharing knowledge and experience on subject;
- Promote Erasmus + programme as tool for cooperation.
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