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Clown Therapy (2008-2009)

10. June 2008.

Supported by Province of Venice and Veneto Region


Citizens of Sisak

Human resources:

Clowns volunteers from organisation “Associazione Viviamo In Positivo VIP”Venice Onlus (Association Live Positive)

Project duration:

October 2008 – December 2009

Overall objective:

Forming group of clowns volunteers in Sisak with purpose to implement clown therapy in social institutions dealing with support to people living in disadvantage physical, psychical and social surroundings, in a form of witnessing “positive thinking” during public meetings and manifestations.

Specific objectives:

  • Cooperation

Promoting volunteerism as a social obligation, especially of young people, in order to strengthen their position in the society

Fostering mutual cooperation and promoting idea of diversity richness

Promoting basic values of the VIP association: fraternity, unity, solidarity

Emphasising ideas, values and social rights through out activities based on cooperation and listening

  • Social support

Enabling tools for improvisation, clown entertainment and circus skills for volunteers that can help others in changing unpleasant environment and, in that way, evoke creativity and hope in people to overcome suffer, loneliness, humiliation and disease

  • Education

Evaluation of creative capabilities in order to foster participants’ personal self-confidence by raising confidence in personal competences

Enabling expression of feelings of personal discomfort, insecurity and shyness

Programme summary:

Intensive workshop of forming group of clowns volunteers in Sisak. Duration: 24-26 October 2008

Internship for 2 volunteers from Sisak in S. Dona di Piave and participation in activities of the VIP Venice ONLUS association

Visit of group of volunteers from VIP Venice ONLUS association to Sisak; following group activities cooperating in local manifestations


Intensive workshop of forming group of clown-volunteers will be held in Sisak, conducting by volunteers from VIP Venice ONLUS association. The workshop will be held in English language during the 3 days.

Methods: clown technique, improvisation, juggling, acrobatics, magic interlaced with science, compliance, trust, conflict resolution, corporeality, verbal expression and gesticulation.

The course embraces exchange of interpersonal relations of persons that are forced to live in unpleasant environments by creating enjoyment, delight and fun.

Two participants from Sisak group will continue cooperation with VIP volunteers via e-mail and occasional meetings in order to deepen the workshop topic. The group that will participate in the workshop will organise plays in children homes, old people homes, centres for social care and similar institutions as well as during public manifestations. They will perform on voluntary base exclusively.

Representatives of the Sisak group will participate on internship in Italy and will continue to cooperate with VIP association clowns further on.

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