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Economic Initiatives for a Local Sustainable Development – Micro Credit Possibilities (2006)

5. June 2006.

Supported by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway and City of Sisak – Department for Social Affairs

Local Democracy Agency Sisak and Association of the Local Democracy Agencies have organised international conference “Economic Initiatives for a Local Sustainable Development – Micro credit Possibilities” that has been held from 13-14 February 2006 in Sisak in premises of Sisak-Moslavina Chamber of Economy.

The aim of the conference was to present micro credit possibilities for small entrepreneurs, study cases of young entrepreneurs or incubators from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Norway.

The conference itself is the result of the project “Promoting Local Economic Development in Western Balkans: Youth Capacity Building” implemented by LDA Sisak in 2005, which was composed from the training for young entrepreneurs.

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