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8. February 2008.

Supported by Sisak-Moslavina County, Administrative department for environmental and nature protection

Project “Everything in Its Place!” is based on informing and educating public in Sisak-Moslavina County about environment and nature protection.

The aim of the project is to actively involve elementary school students in environment protection education, to contribute on rising of public awareness on necessity of properly waste disposal and informing public about specific products landfills.

The project will be conducted in Sisak-Moslavina County during five months (July – December 2008) using different methods such as creative experiential expression (students’ drawings), creation of educational poster, public campaign and public presentation of the results.

Elementary school students will be actively involved throughout call for the schools to candidate drawings of given products. Expert jury will choose best drawings that will be used for developing educational – informative poster. The poster will show time needed for natural degradation of each product, information about landfills of specific waste products (such as automobile tires, old medicines, used batteries and similar) and name of students whose drawings are on poster.

During public campaign the posters will be disseminated to all elementary and high schools in Sisak-Moslavina County, kindergartens, academic institutions, non governmental organizations, local media, local self-governments, libraries and other public institutions.

The poster will be presented during the 2nd Human Rights and cross border cooperation International Fair that will be held on 6th of December in Sisak, organised by the LDA Sisak and City of Sisak

Poster will be available for download in .pdf format on the LDA Sisak web page.

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