First out of six planned press conference of the project “Volunteering for Cross border Local Community Development” was held on 10 March 2011 at 1 pm in International Press Centre Banja Luka (hotel Bosna).
Main goal of the press conference was to annonunce begginning of the project and to introduce general public of Bosina and Herzegovina with the projects aims, activities and expected results.
Ms. Irena Đumić, projects leader inYouth Communicative Centre Banja Luka opened the press conference and presented projects main goals. Focus of the the project is on enahcement of social cohesion in pregramm area, developement of cross border networks and partnerships and increasemenet of service acessability in local communities included in the project: Sisak, Petrinja, Kutina, Derventa, Bihać i Banja Luka.
Ms. Paula Raužan, project leader in Local Democracy Agency Sisak, presented projects main activities and expected results. Opening of five volunteer centers, organisation of two volunteer camps, support in defining six local voluntary policies and two trainings for capacity building of project participants were announced as projects main activities. She pointed out that the project’s main goal is to increase collaboration between institutions and volunteers in towns where volunteer centers will be open and also in towns included in the project.
The conference ended with announcement of the next press conference which will take place in Sisak on 24 March 2011.
After the conference YCC Banja Luka and LDA Sisak held first meeting of the project management team.