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For a Community without Domestic Violence (2007)

2. February 2007.

Supported by Ministry of Health and Social Care of Republic of Croatia and Governmental Office for Gender Equality of Republic of Croatia

The duration of a project is seven months and it will be implemented in the area of Sisak-Moslavina County in partnership with City of Sisak and in cooperation with Centre for Social Care in Kutina.

The overall intention of the project is to contribute to abatement of a domestic violence in Sisak and Moslavina County.

The activities of this project include providing first aid and strengthening of the victims of family violence, more quality in providing institutional and out-off institutional help and services for the victims of domestic violence and a public awareness campaign in order to raise the public sensitivity and the responsibility towards this problem.

The aims of a project will be implemented and realized through different activities in order to involve not only the experts dealing with problems of a domestic violence but also a broader community.

Activities that aim to provide first aid and strengthening of the victims of a domestic violence are functioning of the free SOS line for the victims of a domestic violence and establishment of a Internet forum on a LDA Sisak’s web site that will be functioning as a virtual self-help group for people who experience domestic violence.

The person working on a free SOS line will be having an expert mentorship in order to provide quality service for family violence victims.

More quality in providing institutional and out-off institutional help and services for the victims of a domestic violence will be accomplished through educational trainings for experts working with victims of a domestic violence and forming of an inter-sectoral Working Group for Abatement of Domestic Violence.

Working group members

Public awareness campaign, publishing the competition for a short story about domestic violence among the high school students, the Publication about domestic violence and a contact radio shows are the activities that will be implemented in order to raise the public sensitivity and the responsibility towards this problem.



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