Within the project “Fillow My Step! – Youth for a Sustainable Community“ lead by Local Democracy Agency Sisak on 7 and 18 November 2019, two in a series of Workshops for students called “Being a volunteer“ held in Sisak Gymnasium High School, which is one of the partner schools. Previously, workshops were held at High School Ivan Trnski in Hrvatska Kostajnica.
The workshop was led by volunteer coordinators from the Local Democracy Agency Sisak, and 45 first, second and third grade students participated in the workshop. The students learned the basic concepts related to volunteering and became introduced with the benefits of volunteering for their personal development, and in an interactive way gained insight into the Law on Volunteering. They had the opportunity to express their creativity and views through group work, making their own posters on the theme of the motives and benefits of volunteering, after which they were successfully presented. New knowledge is a useful guideline for future active participation in a school volunteer club through which they will plan and conduct volunteer actions and peer workshops themselves. Although some of the students do not have volunteer experience, this workshop was an incentive for them to volunteer. “I learned more about volunteering, some of the benefits we get from volunteering, the differences between volunteering and other jobs,” one of the students expressed her satisfaction. “I learned some facts and information about volunteering that I didn’t know before,” another workshop participant added.
Partner schools are also in the process of analyzing the needs of types of volunteer programs in schools, the results of which will reflect the real needs of the school community for the purpose of developing volunteer programs that will be implemented within the work of school volunteer clubs.
The project “Follow My Steps! – Youth for a Sustainable Community” is Co-financed by the Office for NGOs of the Government of the Republic of Croatia through the Swiss-Croatian Cooperation Program. The leader of the project is the Local Democracy Agency Sisak, and the partners are Sisak Gymnasium High School, High School Ivan Trnski Hrvatska Kostajnica and Sisak-Moslavina County. The aim of the project is to contribute to the promotion of partnership between civil society organizations and educational institutions in the field of volunteerism, which contributes to social and economic cohesion and sustainable development in the Sisak – Moslavina County.
Programme is co-financed by the Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs.
The views expressed in this text are the sole responsibility of the Local Democracy Agency Sisak and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Govermnent Office for Cooperation with NGOs.