Closing conference of the “E-panels: Fostering Citizens’ Participation and Volunteering in a Wider Europe”
project was held in Zagreb on 3rd of November 2010. Conference was held with the aim of presenting the results of on-line panels, meeting with project partners and volunteers that participated in project as activators and discussion about involving citizens through new ICT technologies. Representatives of each project partner country presented results of discussions on national forums that led to the discussion about new ways of inclusion participants on forums.
Guests, Mr. S. Slacek presented results of research conducted in Slovenia ” Young people, Internet and civic participation, and Mrs. Ingrid Charlotte Baken, UNV programme officer for Albania gave brief insight of active citizenship and volunteering in the Balkans.
The project Steering Committee meeting took place on the 4th of November 2010, where all partners met in order to evaluate project results and plan future activities.