Vaš partner u izgradnji demokracije

Held second training module of women leaders

27. April 2010.

Association IKS and LDA Sisak held the second training module for women active in community, from 23 to 25 April 2010 in Topusko. There was 17 participants from Petrinja, Glina and Dvor, and trainers were Paula Raužan, Palma Miličević and Gordana Paton. During the 3-day training, we spoke a lot about communication, mediation and media relations. Even this time, participants showed the great interest and motivation for learning, and actively participated in the training sessions. This training is part of the “Enabling Local Democracy” project, funded by the EU through EIDHR program.   

One of practical sessions was exercise “Coexistence with mother-in-law”. Funny only at the first glance, stimulated serious debate  on pros and cons of traditional families and living with grandparents.

Interactive training sessions provided enough space for each participant to get actively involved and debate

Starting in May, 3 women will be employed by the the project as leaders of community women groups. The leaders are elected in democratic and transparent way – elections by participants themselves. All 7 candidates had 5 minutes to present themselves and their program and to lobby for their election.

The elections showed democracy in practice: participants were choosing leaders among each other

The leaders of women groups will organise different activities in their communities in following 12 months, such as: computer course, English language course, thematic social meetings, creative workshops, etc.

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