Your partner in building democracy
Preparations for establishing school volunteer’s clubs is in final phase
Within the project Follow my Steps – Youth for a Sustainable Community Sponsored by the Local Democracy Agency Sisak, volunteer clubs are planned to be set up in January / February 2020 at partner schools in Sisak Gimnasium High School and High School Ivana Trnskoga...
Friendly spirit, teamwork, new knowledge!
Within the project "Fillow My Step! – Youth for a Sustainable Community“ lead by Local Democracy Agency Sisak on 7 and 18 November 2019, two in a series of Workshops for students called "Being a volunteer“ held in Sisak Gymnasium High School, which is one of the...
Step By Step Through A Mentoring Journey!
Following the publication of the Manual for Youth Mentoring, (staviti link: https://www.docdroid.net/3FBzG2O/mentorship-handbook-electronic-version-final.pdf) The South East European Youth Network published another literature an interesting and effective guide that...
O nama
Agencija lokalne demokracije Sisak (ALD Sisak) je nevladina i neprofitna organizacija osnovana 1996. godine kao pilot projekt Kongresa lokalnih i regionalnih vlasti Vijeća Europe s ciljem potpore razvoju lokalnih demokratskih procesa i promoviranje ljudskih prava i aktivnog građanstva. Djelujemo koristeći specifičnu metodologiju multilateralne decentralizirane sur007effadnje u partnerstvu s lokalnom i regionalnom samoupravom i udrugama u i izvan Hrvatske.

Agencija lokalne demokracije Sisak promicanjem ljudskih prava, očuvanjem mira te jačanjem lokalne demokracije pridonosi razvoju lokalne zajednice i aktivnoga građanstva.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation.
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Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error.
Lorem Ipsum
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error.
Sed Omnis
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error.
Volonterski centar Sisak (VCS)
Volonterski centar Sisak (VCS) je lokalni volonterski centar, namijenjen volonterskim programima na području grada Siska. VCS radi na razvoju zajednice kroz volontiranje, spajajući osobe koje žele volontirati s institucijama i udrugama kojima je potreba volonterska podrška. Ovisno o pojedinom volonterskom programu, volontiranje može biti dugotrajno ili se sastojati od kratkotrajne akcije.

ALD Sisak je za projekt “Kalendar ljudskih prava” osvojila nagradu Republike Francuske “Liberte-Egalite-Fraternite” za 2004. godinu u kategoriji edukacije mladih o ljudskim pravima.
Volunteers at Cross-border work camp in Children Home in Banja Luka
7-day Cross-border work camp "Smile 2013" is successfully implemented in Children Home in Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina), as a part of the...
Workshop on youth informing on EU successfully implemented in Petrinja
Workshop on youth informing on the EU was held on 29 June 2013 in premises of youth association K.R.I.D. from Petrinja, as a part of a...
Workshops for informing youth about European Union held in high schools
During April and May 2013, 9 workshops for informing young people on the EU were held in 3 high schools in Sisak-Moslavina County. The workshops are...
Opened local voluntary services in Vrginmost, Ozalj, Laktaši and Gradiška
Within the project "Cross-border Volunteers' Networking for Local Development" four local voluntary services in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina...
Project on volunteering presented to public in Vrginmost, Ozalj, Laktaši and Gradiška
Project "Cross-border Volunteers' Networking for Local Community Development", implemented by the LDA Sisak and OKC Banja Luka, is publicly...
ESM② – Strengthening local capacities for the implementation of the European social model and access to European social networks
Funded by the National Foundation for Civil Society DevelopmentLead partner: CERANEO - Centar za razvoj neprofitnih organizacija Partners: Local...
Volunteers at Cross-border work camp in Children Home in Banja Luka
7-day Cross-border work camp "Smile 2013" is successfully implemented in Children Home in Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina), as a part of the project "Cross-border Volunteers' Networking for Local Development". The work camp was held 1-7 July 2013 in Children Home...
Workshop on youth informing on EU successfully implemented in Petrinja
Workshop on youth informing on the EU was held on 29 June 2013 in premises of youth association K.R.I.D. from Petrinja, as a part of a project "Youth for EU", funded by the EU IPA INFO 2011 Program. The project leader is LDA Verteneglio while LDA Sisak is implementing...
Workshops for informing youth about European Union held in high schools
During April and May 2013, 9 workshops for informing young people on the EU were held in 3 high schools in Sisak-Moslavina County. The workshops are part of a project "Youth for EU", funded by the EU IPA INFO 2011 Program. The project leader is LDA Verteneglio while...
Opened local voluntary services in Vrginmost, Ozalj, Laktaši and Gradiška
Within the project "Cross-border Volunteers' Networking for Local Development" four local voluntary services in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina were opened in the mid April. In Vrginmost, on 11 April was opened Local volunteer centre Sunflower (LVC) that will...
Project on volunteering presented to public in Vrginmost, Ozalj, Laktaši and Gradiška
Project "Cross-border Volunteers' Networking for Local Community Development", implemented by the LDA Sisak and OKC Banja Luka, is publicly presented in Vrginmost and Ozalj (Croatia) and Laktaši and Gradiška (Bosnia and Herzegovina). The presentations gathered local...
ESM② – Strengthening local capacities for the implementation of the European social model and access to European social networks
Funded by the National Foundation for Civil Society DevelopmentLead partner: CERANEO - Centar za razvoj neprofitnih organizacija Partners: Local Democracy Agency Sisak, Gradska radionica Pula, Hrvatski institut za lokalnu samoupravu, Udruga SRMA Project duration: 1...