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International seminar “Education for Remembrance”

20. February 2010.

A 4 days Seminar hosted by Jasenovac Memorial Site organized in the framework of the E-FoR: Education for Remembrance project will take place from 22nd to 26th of February 2010 in Jasenovac, Croatia. This first meeting will see the participation of target participants (Educators, teachers, youth workers, researchers, experts etc. ) focusing on the elaboration of new strategies for remembrance education .The Seminar in Jasenovac with experts in the field of education aims to develop an ‘educational unit’ on remembrance, Europe and active citizenship to develop working networks and elaborate new strategies for remembrance education in connection to the themes of active citizenship.

This meeting is a great opportunity for all partners to exchange ideas and best practices on remembrance and its link with active citizenship. At the Seminar will participate LDA Sisak, Memorial of Caen, INI, Comune di Nardo’ and the association the Junction joined by other experts and researchers interested on the issue coming from Universities and international ngos.

The 4 Days Seminar will develop fundamental topics on a theoretical and practical point of view aiming to get the opportunity to participants to share ideas, experiences and good practices.

We wish this could be an opportunity to encourage organisation active in this field to establish contacts among themselves and to learn from each other producing an educational booklet on remembrance and active European citizenship to develop working networks and elaborate new strategies for remembrance education in connection to the themes of active citizenship
The project will serve a double purpose, on one side it will foster the education of human rights and active European citizenship and, on the other side, to maintain and increase the relevance of the topic in the future in order not to forget the events of the Second World War. The project aims to emphasize the importance of sites that are important for the remembrance but that are not so well-known; the events are thought to give a wider and deeper overview into the Nazi-fascist page in European history.

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