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Presentations of the LDA Subotica project “National Minorities in Our Neighborhood, Germans in Subotica, Hungarians in Osijek and Bosniacs in Sisak – Do We Know Each Other?”

20. May 2006.

Same as LDA Sisak, LDA Subotica implemented mini project in the framework of 3-years project “Releasing Indigenous Multiculturalism through Education”, supported by University of Warwick, UK and European Commission.

Their mini project “National Minorities in Our Neighborhood, Germans in Subotica, Hungarians in Osijek and Bosniacs in Sisak – Do We Know Each Other?” was implemented in Subotica, Osijek and Sisak with the aim to present Germans in Subotica, Hungarians in Osijek, Bosniacs in Sisak; to connect them and exchange experiences on minority rights implementation.

In Sisak, LDA Sisak was contact-making point and logistical support.

The project presentation was composed of presentation of short movie filmed on pervious visits in all three towns and informal round table where participants exchange their experiences, problems and hopes regarding Bosiniacs’ position in Sisak.



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