Different tools in the LDA Sisak field of work that we developed, participating in its development or produced within projects we were involved in.
LDA Sisak - 2017.
Presentation flayer on Local Democracy Ageny Sisak financed by the National Foundation for Civil Society Development.
Volunteer center Sisak - 2019.
Presentation flayer on Volunteer Center Sisak. Learn how to get involved in volunteering, whether as an individual or a legal entity, and about other services we offer.
Growing Together - 2022.
Photography exhibition of a volunteer activities conducted in the Sisak-Moslavina County during the 2022 flayer.
Follow my Steps! – 2020.
Flayer of project “Follow my Steps!” aimed at developing a practical education program on the sustainable development of children and young people through volunteering and thorugh the school volunteer clubs.
LDA Sisak - 2012.
Flayer on Local Democracy Agency Sisak.
Ecological calendar for 2013.
Calendar produced in a framework of a project “Think Green Every Day!” contains dates related to protection of environment and nature. At the calendar are wining drawings of elementary school pupils from all over Sisak-Moslavina County.
White storks educational ecological bookmark - 2012.
White stork educational ecological bookmark made in a framework of a project “Think Green Every day”!
MO.D.E. Mobility for democracy in Europe
Flyer of project “MO.D.E.” about possibilities of mobility and volunteering.
INTACT: Međunarodna mreža gradova - aktivno građanstvo i bratimljenje gradova 2010. - ENGLESKI PRIJEVOD PRONAĆI
Letak projekta INTACT o međunarodnoj suradnji i bratimljenju gradova.
Strenghtening local democracy - 2010.
Letak projekta “Jačanje lokalne demokracije” usmjeren na osnaživanje žena liderica u Petrinji, Glini i Dvoru.
Micro Credits for Small Entrepreneurship
Leaflet of a project “Micro Credits for Small Entrepreneurship”, supported by Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Council of Europe Development Bank, Bank Intesa SanPaolo and Association of Local Democracy Agincies.
International Volunteers Day and International Human Rights Day - 2009.
Poster of activities dedicated to celebration of the International Volunteers Day and the International Human Rights Day, Sisak, 2009.
International Volunteers Day and International Human Rights Day - 2008.
Poster for activities dedicated to celebration of the International Voluntees Day and the International Human Rights Day, Sisak, 5-9 December 2008.
Poster "Everything in Its Place!" - 2008.
Waste management poster, produced in 2008 in a framework of “Everything in Its Place!” project, supported by Sisačko-Moslavačka County, Administrative department for environmental and nature protection.
Call for SOS telephone Volunteers for victims of domestic violence - 2008.
Poster – OPEN CALL- for volunteering on the SOS line for victims of domestic violence.
For a Community without Domestic Violence - 2007.
Poster of the project “For a Community without Domestic Violence” implemented during 2007.
International Human Rights Day - 2007.
Poster for activities dedicated to celebration of the International Human Rights Day, Sisak, 8 December 2007.
Manual for social integration of vulnerable groups in the status of housing exclusion - 2023
The manual gathers the policies and measures currently in force related to vulnerable groups housing and offers certain innovative solutions in the care of the homeless, especially the Housing First model. It is intended for all professionals who work with the homeless and people at risk of homelessness in order to continue their dedicated commitment to the adequate care of this vulnerable group, for all decision-makers to gain insight into the obligation to care for the homeless, which has been accepted at the national level by confirming the European Pillar of Social Rights, and to all the interested public.
Intercultural Learning a Tool for Peace – 2021.
This Training Toolkit serves as a tool for teachers and youth workers, to support them in working with pupils and youngsters on how to be resilient to reconciliation, no hate speech and promote peacebuilding with their young people in community level.
It is developed as a part of the „WalkON: Walking the path of reconciliation – empowering communities for a peaceful “society project, aiming to support development and increasing the competences of youth workers, teachers, young people and community youth leaders in the Western Balkans, to address and work with reconciliation, countering hate speech and promoting peace building.
Follow my Steps! – Youth for a Sustainable Community – 2021.
Manual consist practical workshops for sustainable development youth education, its appliance in school volunteering activities and analysis of competences students gain through volunteering, as well as the project team recommendations.
Manual for mentoring in youth work - 2019.
A manual created in the project “Youth Work in Progress” in which you can find what you as a mentor, need to know about young people: the stages and characteristics of youth development, what actually is youth work, the typology of youth work, what are the types of mentoring, essential mentoring elements, but also tips and tricks for successful mentoring in youth work, and more thing that can benefit you in your work.
Step by step through a mentoring journey! - 2019.
Guide supplementing the youth mentoring guide, created as part of the project “Youth Work in Progress”. In the Guide you can find information about the mentoring process in general and different stages of the process, what are the areas of young person’s development that you could potentially focus on, how to start the mentoring process, and what are the crucial and most important boundaries, information on where and how to find relevant resources and support for mentoring in youth work.
DIGI YOUTH Portal - 2019.
Everything you ever wanted to learn about online learning and digital tools in youth work and non-formal education.
Portal created in project “Youth Work in Progress” as a space where young people of various professions or professions can find theoretical and practical commentary on these topics.
Volunteer’ School - 2019.
A handbook created as part of a project where you will find all the steps to develop a volunteering system in the school with examples of good practice and important documents.
Active Youth for local development- 2017.
Handbook for promoting active citizenship of Youth in the local community. It is intended for people who work with young people and young people who want to self-organize themselves in planning and implementing youth-friendly activities and for young people in their community.
RAISE - Training module on entepreneurship - 2017.
A training Module on entrepreneurship education, for trainters, youth workers and teachers to use in non-formal education settings. A colletion of workshops created by participants and trainers of the RAISE project.
Behave as a National Minority?! - 2006.
The manual is the product of the a project „Advocacy and Rights Training Seminars for Ethnic Minority Councils“ that LDA Sisak was implementing in the period February 2005 – February 2006, supported by Council of Europe.
Education for Peace and Multiculturalism: A Handbook for Trainers - 2006.
This handbook had been developed as a part of the EU funded project of Releasing Indigenous Multiculturalism through Education (RIME), carried out collaboratively between academics at the Universities of Birmingham, Warwick and the West of England (UK), Ul’ianovsk University and Kuban State University (Russian Federation) and NGO partners from South Eastern Europe, East Central Europe, the Russian Federation, the Southern Caucasus and the United Kingdom between January 2004 and December 2006. The partners involved in the project in the respective regions are from Bulgaria, Croatia, Serbia and Monteregro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ukraine, Krasnodar Krai in Southern Russia, Georgia and Abkhazia.
Education against corruption - 2014.
Contribution on the project “Education against corruption” and research on unethical behavior and petty corruption in secondary schools. The project was implemented during 2013. and 2014. Leader of the Freedom of Education Forum project. Partners: LDA Sisak, LDA Osijek, NEPC and Info Zone Split.
Youth Exchange in Austia - Kingdom Palatschinke - 2009.
Video of Youth Exchange “Kingdom Palatschinke” was organised from July 26 – August 8 2009 where were participants from:Participants: Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia.
Celebrating Europe Day in Petrinja - 2009.
Europe Day on May 9th, 2009., in Petrinja, as part of the project “Training for Active Citizenship in the EU Enlargement Process”. It was organised by LDA Sisak, Iks Petrinja, HVIDRA Petrinja, Civil rights project from Sisak and Sunflower from Gvozd.
Indigenous multiculturalism - Youth in Action - 2006.
Video created as part of the project “Indigenous multiculturalism – Youth in Action”, which was implemented during 2005 and 2006 in the Sisak-Moslavina County.
15 years of Local Democracy Agency Sisak work
Publication presenting 15 years of Local Democracy Agency Sisak work, published with the support of Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Council of Europe.
Life With Industrial Heritage - 2020
Publication gathers youth works exposed at the Pop-up gallery in September 2019, as a part of the international project „CLINK – Cultural heritage linking diversities in Europe“, inspired by the industrial heritage of Sisak and Sisak-Moslavina county.
RAISE project publication - 2017.
The final publication of the project RAISE – Raising the Advantages of Youth through Innovation and Social Entepreneurship (2016-2017).
Social policy concepts and analysis of social indicators - 2015.
Sisak 2DO: Catching up with your social life in Sisak - 2013.
Survival guide through Sisak written by the EVS volunteers who spent 12 months in LDA Sisak, as a part of a project “Creative Youth Laboratory”. The publication is funded by the EU, Youth in Action Programme.
Education for Remembrance: Good Practice in Active European Rememrance
Publication of the “E-FOR: Education for Remembrance” project implemented during 2009 and 2010 in Croatia, France, United Kingdom, Macedonia and Italy, co-funded by the EU, Program Europe for Citizens.
Training for Active Citizenship in the EU Enlargement Process 2009.
Report of a project “Training for Active Citizenship in the EU Enlargement Process”, implemented in 2008 and 2009, supported by the European Union – Europe for Citizenship Program and Association of Local Democracy Agencies.
Publication "For Community without Domestic Violence" - 2007.
The publication is presenting results of the project implemented in the Sisak-Moslavina area during 2007 aiming to reduce domestic violence. In the publication you can find information of forms of domestic violence and ways of its recognition, summarised results of the research of Sisak-Moslavina County population’s stands on domestic violence, who to call for help and five awarded stories of high school pupils in the competition for short stories on topic of domestic violence.
Youth: the Right Direction (2006-2009)
Newsletter of a multilateral youth project.
Youth Programme - Tool for Networking in Neighbouring Countries - 2006.
Final report of the international youth training “Youth Programme – Tool for Networking in Neighbouring Countries” held in Serbia, Subotica/Palić, August 23-27 2006. The training was organised by the Local Democracy Agencies Sisak, Osijek and Subotica in the framework of a project “Actions for Capacity Building for Local Authorities and NGOs in South East Europe.”
Status Quo on Reconciliation and No Hate Speech! Tools and Resources Available - 2020
Research on policies, practices and available methods for education of youth and youth workers on the issues on peace and no-hate speech in Croatia. The research conducted as a part of the „WalkON: Walking the path of reconciliation – empowering communities for a peaceful society“ project in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Northern Macedonia and Serbia.
State of Play – Reconciliation and No Hate Speech in Western Balkan Region - 2020
Compilation of researches done in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Northern Macedonia and Serbia on policies, practices and available methods for education of youth and youth workers on the issues on peace and no-hate speech. The research conducted as a part of the „WalkON: Walking the path of reconciliation – empowering communities for a peaceful society“ project. The research results are used to develop regional policy brief document „New Age of Reconciliation – Generation Z as the Engine“, which you can read on this web site in the „Policies“ section.
Croatian social charter - 2015.
Main findings of the regional discussions conducted within the project “Europeanization of Croatian social policy and Croatian social charter”.
Comperative international research on youth unemployment - 2014.
Research conducted in Latvia, Czech Republic, Croatia, Slovakia, Germany and Hungary on the issue of youth unemployment. Purpose of the research is to provide scholars, decision-makers with in-depth understanding of the current issues of youth unemployment.
Results of the research of Sisak citizens attitudes on waste managment in Sisak-Moslavina County - 2007.
The brochure containing the results of the survey research conducted with citizens of Sisak on waste management in Sisak-Moslavina County. The research has been carried out in the framework of the project “Survey Research: Waste Management Strategy in Sisak-Moslavina County”, supported by Sisak-Moslavina County, Administrative department for environmental and nature protection.
The City of Sisak Volunteering Development Program 2023. - 2027.
New Age of Reconciliation – Generation Z as the Engine - 2020
This document is developed based on findings from researches that mapped good practices and analysed the state of play in reconciliation, education for peace building, as well as hate speech policies in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, North Macedonia and Serbia. It is developed as a part of the „WalkON: Walking the path of reconciliation – empowering communities for a peaceful society“ project, aiming to support development and increasing the competences of youth workers, teachers, young people and community youth leaders in the Western Balkans, to address and work with reconciliation, countering hate speech and promoting peace building.