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Survey Research: Waste Management Strategy in Sisak-Moslavina County (2007)

10. April 2007.

Supported by Sisak-Moslavina County, Administrative department for environmental and nature protection

Project “Survey Research: Waste Management Strategy in Sisak-Moslavina County” is referring to survey research about attitudes of Sisak citizens’ on waste management in Sisak-Moslavina County.

The project specific aims are to examine citizens’ level of ecological awareness and responsibility; ways they want waste to be treated in the County area and citizens’ needs for education in a field of environment and waste management.

The project will be implemented in Sisak area in period of four (4) months using methods of sample selection, data compiling (poll) and data processing, analysis and presentation.

The poll will be carried out in one local administrative unit, city of Sisak. The research that would be carried out is a survey research aiming to examine citizens’ attitudes on certain topic. These kinds of researches are descriptive types and they are carried out in o order to get insight in certain situation based on which practical decisions can be made.

The survey results will be publicly presented at the press conference where representatives of Sisak-Moslavina County, Administrative department for environmental and nature protection will be present as well. Moreover, results will be publised in a brochure that will be disseminated to public institutions and nongovernmental organisations in Sisak area. The brochure will be available for download at LDA Sisak web page as well.

The project is significant in a matter that the results will be useful to relevant subjects and other interested parties in Sisak-Moslavina area, in order to made relevant decisions and to plan future actions that can contribute to better and more efficient long term waste management.

Results of the survey research



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