Reacting to the economic and governance crisis that is sweeping Europe with negative effects and due to the narrowing of public spending, especially for the citizens who are losing the necessary social services that local and regional authorities are struggling to provide, the final policy meeting of the INTACT project was organised.
The INTACT project “International Network of Towns – Active citizenship and Town Twinning”, promoted by ALDA and funded by the European Commission, has organised its final conference in Venice (16 and 17 November, Russot Hotel, San Giuliano) titled “The International Presence of Local Authorities – Town Twinning, City Diplomacy and Private Sector”, bringing together international experts, local officials and civil society associations from seven countries. Agenda of the conference
The problem is global and the solutions must be found from the territory, gradually involving the local, national and finally the European institutions. The harmonious development of the Community as a whole and the strengthening of economic, social and territorial cohesion imply, therefore, the strengthening of trans-national territorial cooperation. The exchange of experiences and good practices and the raising awareness of all stakeholders are targets of several EC programs, primarily the “Europe for Citizens”.
As a part of this programme, the INTACT project, lasting two years, has seen the organisation of numerous events and activities in many European countries, as international workshops, local activities, a Summer School on the themes of active citizenship, local economic initiatives and international relations between local authorities.

These activities have strengthened the link between the twenty partners of the project (NGOs and local authorities) from seven countries, particularly involved in the theme of citizen participation, promotion of European values and integration process. LDA Sisak is a partner of the project and actively participated with its local partners, Municipality of Sisak and Municipality of Petrinja Development agency PETRA in the policy meeting.

“More participation of citizens, more countries involved, more debates on the issues and European values. This is the idea of the European Commission for the reform of twinning in the next program, 2014-2020, confirming the budget of 30 million a year to fund the twinning projects with the intention of making more effective their performance” – said Anna Cozzoli, Department of Citizenship EACEA, the Executive Agency Education, Audiovisual and Culture of the European Commission, in liaison from Brussels.

The central theme of the conference was the future of twinning in view of their protagonists, municipalities, non-profit associations, economic groups and companies that, even in the Veneto region, is taking a greater interest in public-private partnership programs, a new variation of twinning, which puts more emphasis on activities that can generate local economic development and prosperity for the population.
In Venice, representatives of these groups from seven countries (France, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Romania, Malta, and Albania) as well as large Italian representatives have discussed these issues.

“The Euro Info Veneto collects more and more requests for participation of companies in the European Partnership programs and projects, new opportunities for relationships and potential development tools” – said Gian Angelo Bellati, director of Unioncamere Veneto and Euro Info.

The future of twinning is therefore positive, as indicated in the idea of reform, summed up in less dinners and football games, more partners and more countries involved from any single project, more companies, more meetings where people talk of European issues and ideas of sustainable development, so that the exchange of good ideas and good practices may arise concrete growth opportunities for the territory and for Europe as a whole.