The value of non-formal learning and it necessarily for quality youth work at local level, recognise partners of the international project “Youth Work and Volunteering Against Radicalisation”, funded by the Erasmus Plus Program and in which the Local Democracy Agency Sisak is partnering.
The project is composed of the advanced training for youth workers, held 8-15 November 2016 in Črnomelj (Slovenia) and organised by the project leader Youth Centre BIT. The training objective is to build professional development of youth workers and equip them with competences and methods needed for preventing violent radicalisation of young people especially those who are marginalised, as well as young migrants.
It gathers 24 youth workers from Croatia, Macedonia, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain and United Kingdom. Participants exchanged examples of good practice, improved their leadership skills, gained competences and learned new methods for radicalisation recognition and prevention.
Karlo Štengl and Matea Strižić participated on behalf of the LDA Sisak, who will used their newly gained knowledge and experiences in work with local youth.
“This training is unforgettable experience for me. I will try to use all I learnt in my community no matter what job would I do in a future. These kind of projects puts you in contact with different cultures and people, influencing to professional and to personal growth. The trainers were superb as professionals but as persons too. In just one week, they help broaden my horizons and attitudes toward life and work, realising that I can do much even living in small community.” – say Karlo Štengl.