Vaš partner u izgradnji demokracije

Volunteer’ Network (2021-2023)

Leader: Local Democracy Agency Sisak

Partners: Town of Sisak, Elementary school “Budaševo-Topolovac-Gušće” Sisak, High school Gimnasium Sisak, Centre for Soacial Welfare Sisak, Centre for Social Welfare Hrvatska Kostajnica, Town of Hrvatska Kostajnica

Duration: 1 January 2021 – 31 January 2023

Grant value: 200.000,00 HKN

Donator: Croatian Ministry of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy

The purpose of the project is to contribute to the development of local partnership, solidarity and social capital in the Sisak-Moslavina County through the development of quality and diverse volunteer programs that improve the services of volunteering organizers, increase the number of citizens involved in volunteering, especially young and disadvantaged, and through promotion and recognizing the positive impact of volunteering as an activity that affects the development of a more humane and equitable democratic society.

Target groups: Volunteering organizers, citizens engaged as volunteers and potential volunteers; school students, people with intellectual disabilities and employers.

Expected results:

1. Increased number of citizens (especially young people) involved in volunteer activities in the local community or region (several counties).

2. Increased number of volunteering organizers in the local area, ie the area of ​​several counties.

3. Increased number of trainings for volunteers who provide learning assistance.

4. Increased number of individual / group hours of learning assistance for primary and secondary school students.

5. Improved partnerships between civil society organizations and local and regional self-government units and other institutions at the local, regional and national level in the implementation of volunteer projects.

6. Encouraged development of new forms of volunteering.

7. Improved practice of evaluating volunteering and recognizing competencies acquired through volunteering that can be applied in further education and employment (especially of young people).

8. Increased visibility of examples of good practice in volunteering and promote the values ​​of volunteering

The activities are in synergy with the Volunteer Centre Sisak.


The content published on this web site is sole responsibility of the LDA Sisak and necessary do not reflect the views of the Croatian Ministry of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy.


What does citizens of Sisak think about volunteering?

Wishing to find out level of the citizens' informing on possibilities for volunteering and on voluntarism itself, LDA Sisak conducted short questionnaire filled out by some of the visitors during the celebration of the Europe Day and International Family Day.   ...

Opened volunteers’ centers in Petrinja and Kutina

In the second year of the implementation of the project "Volunteering for Cross-border Local Community Development", besides ones in Sisak, Derventa and Bihać, local volunteers' centers in Petrinja and Kutina are opened.   LDA Sisak transferred its experience and...

LDA Sisak hosted the first EVS volunteers in Sisak

LDA Sisak hosted two EVS volunteers this April, one form Spain and one from Macedonia, that will do their European Voluntary Service with us in the following 12 months. Volunteers came in LDA Sisak in a framework of a project "Creative Youth Laboratory" funded by the...