Funded by the EU, Erasmus + Program

Leader: Youth Centre BIT, Slovenia
Partners: ALD Sisak (Croatia), Associació Cultural Tabalà (Spain), Regionalne Centrum Wolontariatu (Poland), KÖZ-Pont Ifjúsági Egyesület (Hungary), Asociatia EuroDEMOS (Romania)
The project is designed as a youth exchange that will gathered 36 youngsters age 18-30 during, from 6 European countries, in a period 22-30 August 2016. The youth exchange is taking place in Slovenian town Črnomelj aiming to put volunteering in the spotlight again and give it a special importance in the achievement of social and personal change.
Within the project, young people will get familiar with the work of firefighters, humanitarian organizations, working with refugees and the role of each of these activities in solving social and personal problems. The main results of the project will include 75-second promotional video on volunteering, voluntary purging the deserted areas and a charity bazaar for socially disadvantaged children with special needs.
An important part of the project will be the learning dimension, since the participants will learn about the impact of volunteering on their personal development and thus on increasing their employability.
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