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Social-cultural Centre Sisak (2021-2022)

Leader: Local Democracy Agency Sisak

Duration: 1 June 2021 – 30 April 2022

Grant value: 83.480,00 HRK

Donor: Foundation SOLIDARNA, Relief Fond 5.5. 


To create concept design of the Social-cultural Centre Sisak (SCC Sisak) building as a precondition for establishment of the cross-sectoral platform contributing to the community relief and development by cooperative management and usage system of the polyvalent SCC Sisak premises.


Target groups:

NGOs, public institutions, local government and interested citizens that implement or would like to implement activities for citizens in future SCC Sisak, focusing on revitalising social and cultural life and direct support to vulnerable groups.



  1. Local steakholders networking and cross-sectoral cooperation
  2. Workshop of live projecting of the SCC Sisak
  1. Preliminary design of the SCC Sisak building
  2. Concept design of the SCC Sisak building




  1. Relevant steakholders and community familiar with the future SCC Sisak purpose.
  2. The concept design of the future SCC Sisak building created as a result of the participatory planning of the interested steakholders and used for further building investments’ fundraising.


  1. Participatory management and usage system of the polyvalent SCC Sisak established as a cross-sectoral platform contributing to the community relief and development.
  1. Created relevant documents and investment’s finding plan for building the future SCC Sisak building.
  2. Built multifunctional and modular facility of the SCC Sisak.



The content published on this web site is sole responsibility of the LDA Sisak and necessary do not reflect the views of the Foundation SOLIDARNA.



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