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Workshop for elementary school student on the third theme of sistainable development „World without hunger“ was held

18. December 2019.

As part of the project “The future: for us and for you!”, A third workshop for students on the third goal of sustainable development was held at the Elementary School Ivana Kukuljevića in Sisak on December 17, 2019. The workshop was conducted by representatives of the Local Democracy Agency Sisak and the Sisak Red Cross City Society.

The workshop was attended by 15 4th grade students who learned more about healthy diet, why is exercise important and how to act on the principles of a healthy lifestyle. By playing the quiz, the students proved that they had already adopted the basics of a healthy and balanced diet and that they applied it in their daily lives. Also, they had the opportunity to show their favorite exercises through the game and also emphasized that sports are an important part of their lives.

The third goal of sustainable development, “A World Without Hunger”, was introduced earlier by a volunteer action to distribute bread products on the occasion of Bread Day. Throughout the project, family workshops and family volunteer activities whose topics are interconnected within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals continue to be implemented.

The project “The Future: For us and for you!” Is co-financed by the Office for NGOs of the Government of the Republic of Croatia through the Swiss-Croatian Cooperation Program. The project leader is the Cakovec Red Cross City Society, and partners are Strigov Primary School, ACT Group, Croatian Red Cross – Sisak Red Cross City Society, Ivan Kukuljevic Sisak Primary School, Agency for Local Democracy Sisak (ALD Sisak), Croatian Red Cross – City Society Donja Stubica Red Cross, Matija Gupac Elementary School Gornja Stubica, Zagor Network.

The program is co-financed by the Office for NGOs of the Government of the Republic of Croatia.


The views expressed in this material are the sole responsibility of the Local Democracy Agency of Sisak and do not reflect the position of the Office for NGOs of the Government of the Republic of Croatia.

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