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Denotation of National Day for Combating Domestic Violence – September 22

23. September 2008.

Family Centre of Sisak-Moslavina County in cooperation with Local Democracy Agency Sisak and Women’s’ Centre Adela held educational lecture titled “Domestic Violence” that took place in Sisak in hotel “Panonija” on September 22, 2008. Participants at the lecture were students of final classes of Sisak high schools and their teachers. Jurist from the Family Centre, Ms. Ana Lubinovic, presented domestic violence legal frameworks, legal mechanisms assisting victims and myths on domestic violence. Ms. Paula Rauzan presented work of the Local Democracy Agency Sisak on domestic violence issues and work of its Hot line for victims of domestic violence. On behalf of Women’s’ Centre Adela, Ms. Sanja Trtanj presented functioning of the Safe house for victims of domestic violence opened in Sisak in 2008.

In this occasion LDA Sisak joined in denotation National Day for Combating Domestic Violence – September 22, which is denoting in memory of a tragic event, occurred in 1999 on Zagreb County Court when three women were killed. Former police officer murdered judge, his wife from whom he was in process of divorce and her lawyer.

LDA Sisak is implementing the project “For Community without Domestic Violence”financially supported by Ministry of Family, Veterans’ Affairs and Intergenerational Solidarity, Sisak-Moslavina County and City of Sisak.

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