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Educational training „Basic of Legal Victims of Domestic Violence Counselling“

4. October 2007.

Local Democracy Agency Sisak had organised an educational training on “Basic of Legal Victims of Domestic Violence Counselling”that was held on September 28, 2007 in hotel Panonija in Sisak.


The training is organised in the framework of a project “For a Community without Domestic Violence”that LDA Sisak is implementing in partnership with City of Sisak and in cooperation with Centre for Social Care Kutina. The aim of the project is to contribute to abatement of a domestic violence in Sisak and Moslavina County.


        This is the first whereof four educations that LDA Sisak will organise till the end of the year, aiming to upgrade existing knowledge and experience of relevant experts directly working with victims of domestic violence (social workers, police officers, lawyers, psychologists, pedagogues, NGOs, health workers, volunteers…) and in that way provide more qualitative help, support and protection of domestic violence victims.


        The training gathered 22 participants, representatives of Centres for social care from Sisak and Moslavina County, NGOs, primary and secondary schools, local authorities and City Society of Red Cross. The trainer was Mrs. Ines Bojić, dipl. iur., associate of woman association B.a.b.e., with long year experience in legal trainings on protection of domestic violence victims and good knowledge of Croatian and International law and human rights in general.



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