Vaš partner u izgradnji demokracije

Held first meetings of women leaders in Petrinja and Dvor

19. March 2010.

In a framework of a project “Enabling Local Democracy”, the first meeting of women leaders held in Petrinja and Dvor. During these meetings it was discussed about this project that is funded by the EU, and it is implemented in Petrinja, Glina and Dvor. The same meeting held in Glina on 10 March 2010. Women expressed the interest and great level of motivation fr participating in the project, especially in training programs for community women leaders, to be held in Topusko. There would be 9 women from Petrinja in the training program, 15 from Gline and 5 from Dvor.

During the meetings we spoke about undermined interpersonal relations, programs for children and youth, cleanliness of our communities and similar.  In the 1st part of Topusko training, women will intensively work on community needs assessments.

Women leaders meetings in Petrinja will be placed in Association IKS premises

Women leaders meeting in Dvor

Dvor Municipality ensured premises for women’ activities that are used by Women Club Dvor



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