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JOBNET researchers volunteers at the 1st working meeting

13. November 2012.

The 1st working meeting with selected researchers volunteers of the JOBNET project was held in the LDA Sisak premises on the 13 November 2012.

Volunteers Sanja Novaković, Marija Cvetković and Sonja Seferović will in upcoming 15 months be engaged on conducting international research in Croatia on youth unemployment and its possible solutions. Moreover, with they colleagues from Hungary, Germany, Czech Republic,  Slovakia and Latvia, they will be involved in creation of joint recommendations to decision makers in their respective countries and in the EU. 

Beside of experience and skills in conducting comparative research, during their engagement volunteers will learn the functioning of the civil society organisations, travel in and out of Croatia and cooperate with young people from 5 European countries.

Sanja, Marija and Sonja thank you and wishing you success in your work because – VOLUNTEERING MAKES WORLD A BETTER PLACE!



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