Life Experience – My Youth for an Active Ageing (2017-2019)

21. March 2017.

The project is funded by the European Social Fund (Office for NGOs of the Republic of Croatia, PT1 and National Foundation for Civil Society Development, PT2)

Lead partner: Centre for Civic Initiatives

Partners: Medical School Bjelovar, Local Democracy Agency Sisak and <a%20title=” target=”_blank”>Fair Society Alliance</a%20title=”>

Duration: 1 June 2017 – 31 May 2019; 24 months

Grant value: 1.047.426,72 HRK

Target group: civil society organisations, children and youth (age 15-19), volunteers in local community

Project objectives:

Overall objective: contributing to social and democratic development reform of Croatia implementing innovative forms of youth volunteering and their involvement in the inter-generation solidarity concept of the underdeveloped communities

Specific objectives:

1. Increase the number of volunteer activities’ organisers gathering high school pupils and number of young volunteers – high school pupils in towns Bjelovar, Sisak and Zagreb

2. Increase number of volunteer activities’ beneficiaries in health and social public institutions in the three local communities

3. Influence on public awareness development on values of school sustainable voluntary programs

Expected results: 120 volunteers involved in voluntary activities through 3.420 voluntary hours in health and social public institutions with 600 final beneficiaries; 90 high school pupils involved in the project, 12 employees of the organisations leading and partnering the project and high schools in Zagreb, Bjelovar and Sisak, 6 organisers of volunteer’ activities.

Implementation area: towns Bjelovar, Sisak and Zagreb

Project summary:

CCI and the partners will contribute to the social and democratic reform in Croatia implementing innovative forms of youth volunteering and inter-generation solidarity in local communities by volunteering in health and social public institutions. We are planning to increase number of the volunteer’ activity organisers – civil society organisations and educational facilities (6), children and youth, high school pupils in three Croatian towns and number of volunteers in project local communities (total 120 volunteers) which will gather 600 final beneficiaries in health and social public institutions. Training of the project leader, partners and public institutions’ employees on voluntary management is part of the project, which will ensure multiplying the project results, considering that 12 employees will continue to develop voluntary programs in the future as well.

For more information:

CCI – Mirela Despotović

         Marija Brebrić

LDA Sisak – Paula Raužan

               Matea Strižić


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