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New cooperation dedicated to protection of elderly people and promotion of active ageing

20. December 2016.

The kick-off meeting of a project “A Moment With Me – I am in because I am informed” held on the 19 December 2016 in the project leader premises, Centre for Civic Initiatives in Zagreb.

The project is implementing in Zagreb, Karlovac, Sisak and Bjelovar during the 12 months, and funded by the Croatian Ministry for demography, family, youth and social policy and by the Centre for Civic Initiatives.

On behalf of the project leader, Mrs Mirela Despotović, CCI President and Mrs Ivana Narelić, project leader in Karlovac attended the meeting, Mrs Paula Raužan, Local Democracy Agency Sisak President and Mr Stjepan Kos from Fair Society Alliance Bjelovar.

The project is targeting elderly volunteers and seniors active in the local community, gathering in activities that will increase legal protection and information level of elderly people, increase public awareness and sensitivity for legal and social issues of elderly people and increase level of volunteering and social inclusion of elderly people in active life of the local community

The activities involve workshops, round tables, public debates, conferences, public campaign but voluntary actions as well – organised by senior long-term volunteers that will receive additional support in active ageing activities implementation in order to improve their life quality and maintain living in their homes as long as possible.

The project will include several hundred elderly people in these four towns, actively involved in suggesting topic of their most interest.

Invitation for senior long-term volunteers willing to get actively involved in the project activities and contribute in increasing quality of local services for elderly people is to follow soon.



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