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Opening of the new Local Democracy Agency in Albania

10. October 2008.

Marking its 10th Anniversary of promoting local democracy in the Western Balkan countries and Caucasus, the Association of Local Democracy Agency is opening the new LDA in Albania, which will be based in Shkodra. The launch of the new LDA is scheduled for the 10th October in the City Hall of Shkodra. The Programme of the main event starting at 10.00 A.M. includes the key note presentations of Mr. Per Vinther, President of ALDA, Mr. Lorenc Luka, Mayor of Shkodra and Ms. Antonella Cagnolati, Director of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities.

The European flag in front of the office will symbolise the setting up of a new ALDA initiative aimed at promoting EU integration at local level, including the already planned activities for youth, capacity building programme for local authorities and civil society, fostering intercultural dialogue and tolerance, citizen participation and human/minority rights in local community.

In this way, ALDA will be composed of the network of 12 Local Democracy Agencies – promoting practical initiatives to consolidate democracy at local level in non-capital cities of the region. With the support of the Council of Europe’s Congress of local and regional authorities, effective partnerships with Europe-wide cities and regions have been established to help foster local community development through international decentralised co-operation programmes. Our partners today joining their efforts to support local democracy development in the northern part of Albania are: the host city of Shkodra, Association of Albanian local authorities, Region Puglia, city of Brindisi, Ipress Institute, municipalities Yverdon les Bains and Fraize.



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