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Second press conference of a project “Volunteering for Cross border Local Community Development

25. March 2011.

Second press conference of the “Volunteering for Cross border Local Community Development” was held on 24 March 2011 at 1 pm in Hotel Panonia (Sisak).

As similar press conference which recently took place in Banja Luka, this conference also aimed to announce begginning of the project and to interduce general public of Croatia with the projects aims, activities and expected results.

Paula Raužan, projects leader in Local Democracy Agency Sisak, opened the conference and greeted all present media and representatives of partner organisations and partner towns.

Irena Đumić, projects leader in Youth Communicative Centre Banja Luka presented project main goals and its focus on enahcement of social cohesion in pregramm area, developement of cross border networks and partnerships and increasemenet of service acessability in local communities included in the project: Sisak, Petrinja, Kutina, Derventa, Bihać and Banja Luka.

Furthermore Paula Raužan, presented projects main activities and expected results. Opening of five volunteer centers, organisation of two volunteer camps, support in defining six local voluntary policies and two trainings for capacity building of project participants were announced as projects main activities. She pointed out that the project is financed by EU trough IPA Cross-border program Croatia-Bosnia and Herzegovina in amount of 113.800 euro.

After the press conference project team held their second meeting. Beside LDA Sisak and YCC the meeting included partners: OSI Kutina and IKS Petrinja, and associates Town Sisak and Town Petrinja. During the meeting partners signed contracts and agreed on future activities.

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