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SWIS-YO: Straight way to integrity and self-development of youth with fewer possibilities (2019-2020)

Lead partner: Social Help for Women Householders, Albania

Partners: Local Democracy Agency Sisak (LDA Sisak), Young Volunteers (Bosnia and Herzegovina), IUVENTA (Serbia), Polo Europeo della Conoscenza – IC Bosco Chiesanuova (Italy)

Timing: 1 November 2019 – 31 September 2020

Donor: EU, Erasmus Plus Programme

The project focuses in giving opportunities to youth workers, especially youth with fewer opportunities, to gain skills, knowledge, connections and experiences in inclusive social enterprise establishment as a development opportunity for themselves and their peers.  It addresses the need for opportunities for self-development, integrity and inclusion in society without discrimination because of their economic or social status.

In accordance with European Youth strategy, the consortium will engage in information, education and training of youth with fewer possibilities to gain social entrepreneurship skills and knowledge in becoming active citizens fully prepared to build their future in the European society. The project aims to include youth workers and youth with fewer possibilities as well as a 50% participation of women.

It will blend together capacity building, youth exchange, network building, good practices and non-formal learning, to empower youth with fewer possibilities to overcome social barriers, and initiating inclusive social initiatives.

This text reflects the views only of the Local Democracy Agency Sisak, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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