Funded by the Europan Union, Europe for Citizens Programme

Lead partner:
Carpathian Foundation – Hungary
Local Democracy Agency Sisak
Carpathian Foundation Slovakia
Kompetenzagentun im Haus der offenen Tur
Agency for Migration and Adaptation AMIGA o.s.
Valmiera Region Community Foundation
Project grant: 142.996,00 €, whereof EU funded 100.097,00 € and Office for Cooperation with NGOs of the Government of the Republic of Croatia
Project duration: 19 months (1.9.2012 – 30.4.2014)
The aim of the project JOBNET is to highlight and promote innovative bottom-up solutions Europe-wide aimed at combating youth unemployment. The main objective of the project is to build a trans-frontier network of civil society organisations (CSOs) to identify, share, discuss and encourage initiatives successfully tackling youth unemployment in different European countries which can be deployed in other EU states as well. The project intends to involve unemployed youth as actives citizens following the principle: “Nothing about us, without us”.
In the frame of the project six CSOs from Germany, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Croatia and Latvia closely cooperate with each other and all key actors to raise public awareness on importance of active citizenship, citizens’, CSOs’ initiatives tackling youth unemployment. The trans-frontier network of wide stakeholders explores the background of the problem by conducting a comparative international audiovisual research in the respective countries. At an international conference participants exchange information, knowledge on successfully applied practises handling youth unemployment, e.g. entrepreneurship, skill development, internships, guidance & mentoring, combating early school-leaving, youth banks and youth involvement, empowerment techniques. The network will serve as a platform and resource-base to disseminate practices how to help young jobseekers to understand labour market, economic and job crisis, and methods of pioneering solutions to stimulate job growth and job seeking techniques.
The outcomes of the research and European debate (conference) will be published on DVD, a publication will be prepared containing best practices of these countries. These along with a commonly formulated recommendation will be sent to decision/policy makers of the respective countries and EU besides wide range dissemination to the public and actors affected by, interested in the increasing tendency of youth joblessness.
Project “Active citizens combating youth unemployment – JOBNET” is funded by the Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union

The project is part of a Europa for Citizens Programme, Action 2 – Active Civil Society in Europe, Measure 3 – Support for projects initiated by civil society organisations.
The content published on this web site is sole responsibility of the LDA Sisak and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union or of the Governmental Office for Coopartion with NGOs.
ANNOUNCEMENT – volunteers for conducting international research requested (Croatian)
JOBNET researchers volunteers at the 1st working meeting
JOBNET international kick-off training
Project publication with best practices and recommendations by the research group on youth employment – download here.
Project comparative, international research on youth unemplyoment – download here.