Funded by the Croatian Ministry for demography, family, youth and social policy

Leader: Local Democracy Agency Sisak
Partners: Town of Sisak, Municipality of Lekenik, Municipality of Martinska Ves
Associate: Radio Sisak
Duration: 1 November 2016 – 31 December 2017
Grant value: 135.000,00 HRK
The project is contributing strengthening local communities for enabling active youth participation and raising youth life quality in Sisak, Lekenik and Martinska Ves.
Target groups: youth without previous experience in the topic, participants of a long-term education on activism and involved in self-organised local activities.
Final beneficiaries: local self-government, associations and public institutions in targeted communities, relevant steakholders in Croatia and neighbouring countries benefiting from the project results, local communities and local media.
Expected results:
Increased number of young people taking role of active citizens, with gained new competences for employment and creating conditions for satisfying youth needs in their own communities,
Increased number of young people capable for local planning and implementing activities that leads to solving local community problems,
Increased local knowledge and information level regarding youth needs, potentials, opportunities and activities.
The content published on this web site is sole responsibility of the LDA Sisak and necessary do not reflect the views of the Croatian Ministry for demography, family, youth and social policy.