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Cross-border Volunteers’ Networking for Local Development (2012 – 2013)

13. March 2012.

Funded by the European Union, IPA Cross-border Programme Croatia-Bosnia and Herzegovina and cofunded by the Office for Cooperation with NGOs of the Govrenment of the Republic of Croatia

Lead partners: Local Democracy Agency Sisak (for Croatia)

Youth Communication Centre, Banja Luka (for BIH)

Partners: LAG Vallis Colapis, Suncokret – centar za razvoj zajednice, Centar za djecu, mlade i porodicu Laktaši, Udruženje Most

Associates: Town Ozalj, Municipality Gvozd, Town Laktaši, Town Gradiška

Project grant: 103.834,36 €, whereof EU funds 89.259,20 € and Office for Cooperation with NGOs of the Republic of Croatia 4.929,92 €

Project duration: 12 months (11 December 2012 – 10 December 2013)

The project “Cross-border Volunteers’ Networking for Local Development” is designed to help to improve accessibility of community-based services in border area through establishment of four voluntary services: two in Croatia ( Ozalj and Vrginmost) and two in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Gradiška and Laktaši).

In order to establish a more effective connections in the border area project envisages the establishment of cross-border civil society organisation network composed of 9 organisations dealing with active citizenship, having local voluntary services incorporated in their programs.

Advocacy volunteering activities of interest to the community that leads to improved quality of life to people active involvement in social processes and the development of a more humane and equitable society, members of the network in this way will contribute to the establishment of more effective cross-border networking between local authorities, civil society and social partners, and thus encourage their effective mutual cooperation as the starting point for the development of this area.

Two cross-border voluntary camps will be organised, one in Bosnia and Herzegovina, one in Croatia that will gather 60 volunteers to discuss actual social issues in bordering towns and initiate actions for change.



The project is part of IPA Cross-broder programme Croatia-Bosnia and Herzegovina 2007-2013. The programme objectives are to encourage the creation of cross-border networks and partnerships and the development of joint cross-border actions with a view to revitalizing the economy, protecting the nature and the environment and increasing social cohesion of the programming area; and to build the capacity of local, regional and national institutions to manage EU programmes and to prepare them to manage future cross-border programmes under objective 3 of the EU Structural Funds.


The content published on this web site is sole responsibility of the LDA Sisak and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union. 

Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Croatia

European Aid and Development Cooperation

Agency for Regional Development of the Republic of Croatia

IPA Cross-border programme Croatia-Bosnia and Herzegovina

Office for Cooperation with NGOs of the Republic of Croatia


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