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Development and Strengthening of the Capacities of Local Authorities in SEE (2006)

26. January 2006.

Supported by Association of the Local Democracies, City of Mogliano Veneto, ANCI Veneto, Veneto Region and Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

In a framework of a project “Actions for Capacity Building for Local Authorities and NGOs in South Eastern Europe” the LDA Sisak, Association of the Local Democracy Agencies, City of Mogliano Veneto and Association of Municipalities of Veneto Region (ANCI Veneto) have organised visit to Fair of Innovative Local Authorities “Dire e Dare” in Rovigo (Italy) and meeting in Mogliano Veneto on topics of good governance. Participants were representatives of Croatian Local Democracy Agencies from Sisak, Osijek and Brtonigla, partners of Croatian Local Democracy Agencies from Croatia and Italy and other representatives of Croatian and Italian local authorities.

The project aim was to exchange experiences of local authorities on good governance and to connect Croatian and Italian local authorities that are included in partners’ networks or in other activities of Croatian Local Democracy Agencies.

Different models of local partnerships and networks that have purpose to stimulate local development have been presented as well as models where local authorities and non-governmental organisations can jointly contribute to sustainability of local development. During the Fair round tables were held on topics “Good Governance for Peace and Democracy Development” and “Promotion of the Local Economical Development“.



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