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Elementary school students from Sisak teach on the topic “Reducing inequality”

17. January 2020.

As part of the project “The future: for us and for you!”, on 14 January  2020, the fourth workshop for students in the frame of  Sustainable Development Education was held at the Ivan Kukuljevic Elementary School, this time with a focus on the fourth global goal of sustainable development “Reducing Inequality “.

The workshop was attended by fifteen 4th grade students participating in the sustainable development education program. The students once again showed an enviable level of knowledge and argumentative discussions. Through this workshop, they have adopted the concepts of tolerance, social exclusion, equality. Through role plays and situational tasks, they have learned how to solve problems, encourage empathy, interact with one another, and analyze their own views regarding people from different cultural and social groups. Throughout the game, they also addressed the problems of discrimination and conflict of interest.

The activities that await us as part of family volunteering, and accompany the topics of workshops for sustainable development training are visits of students and their parents to cultural institutions and family creative workshops.

The project “The Future: For us and for you!” is co-financed by the Office for NGOs of the Government of the Republic of Croatia through the Swiss-Croatian Cooperation Program. The project leader is the Čakovec Red Cross City Society, and partners are Štrigova Primary School, ACT Group, Croatian Red Cross – Sisak Red Cross City Society, Ivan Kukuljević Sisak Primary School, Local Democracy Agency Sisak (ALD Sisak), Croatian Red Cross – City Society Donja Stubica Red Cross, Matija Gubac Elementary School Gornja Stubica, Zagor Association Network.

The program is co-financed by the Office for NGOs of the Government of the Republic of Croatia.


The views expressed in this material are the sole responsibility of the Local Democracy Agency of Sisak and do not reflect the position of the Office for NGOs of the Government of the Republic of Croatia.

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