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Enabling Local Democracy (2009-2011)

21. April 2009.

Project co-funded by EU, EIDHR


Project leader: Association Iks, Petrinja

Project partner: Local Democracy Agency Sisak

Associates: Towns Petrinja and Glina and Municipality of Dvor

Project duration: 16 months (16 December 2009 – 15 June 2011)

Project grant: 96.581,49 euros

Place of implementation: Sisačko-Moslavačka County (Petrinja, Glina and Dvor)

Co-funding: European Union, European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR)

Project objective: to help build consensus, reconciliation and peace building in Petrinja, Glina and Dvor, by fostering active participation of women belonging to different ethnic groups.

Summary: In Banovina area women are rarely activated in community public life and there is low women’s participation in decision making processes in their local communities. Moreover, it is evident social exclusion of unemployed women, especially among immigrant Croats from Bosnia and returnee Serbs. The project objective will be accomplished, among other activities, throughout modular education of 12 women from different ethnic and national groups. The main purpose of modular education is education for democratic citizenship that will lead to decreasing existing tensions between ethnic groups, breaking prejudices of “other side”, cherishing tolerance, non-violence, and developing women’s conscious about their own value, developing human freedoms and promoting human rights. During the education, participants will learn the importance of mutual cooperation in the process of community strengthening. In cooperation with project associates and existing women’s initiatives, 3 action groups will be formed that will gathered women interested in stronger involvement in social life. Further on, these women will organise different workshops, events and activities in order to provide support and facilitate reconciliation and social cohesion process in their communities.


Educational program for women in 2010

Call for applications – Education for women’s action groups leaders

Meeting with project associates, 16 February 2010

Radio jingle recorded and the 1st radio show broadcasted

Press conference, 25 February 2010

Hold first meetings of women leaders in Petrinja and Dvor, March 2010

Successful first training module for community women leaders, 26-28 March 2010

Hold second training module for community women leaders, 23-25 April 2010

Women’s action group Glina got office, 11 May 2010

Soon opening of the Info club in Dvor, 12 May 2010

Educational visit to the Jasenovac Memorial Center, 22 May 2010

Women’s action group Glina established NGO RUŽA, 21 May 2010

Broadcast the third project’ radio show, 21 May 2010

Opened Info club in Dvor, 25 May 2010

Instead of birthday gifts – grant to IKS and women’s project, 1 June 2010

New computers for Dvor Info club, 13 June 2010

Project billboards all over the County, 13 June 2010

Third project coordination team meeting, 17 June 2010

Manufacturing of village Graberje folk costumes, 30 June 2010

Civil society development in Petrinja, 2 July 2010

Thematic meeting on civil society development, 5 July 2010

Fair of school books, clothes and toys at Petrinja river beach, 6 July 2010

Workshop on Graberje village folk costumes, 8 July 2010

Successful fair at Petrinja river beach, 11 July 2010

Held 1st thematic meeting in Dvor, 13 July 2010

Round table on civil society development in Glina, 16 July 2010

Women’s action group Glina organised a fair, 3 August 2010

Announcement: 2nd fair in Petrinja, 14 July 2010

Numerous activity for women starting from September, 20 August 2010

Great number of visitors at the 2nd fair in Petrinja, 22 August 2010

Meeting of Glina women’s action group, 24 August 2010

Ecological workshops for children in Dvor, 26 August 2010

Computer course for women started in Glina, 2 September 2010

Manufacturing canvas bags with folk motive, 3 September 2010

Held 1st creative workshop in Dvor, 3 September 2010

Thematic meeting: Social welfare, 7 September 2010

Scarf manufacturing at loom, 8 September 2010

International Peace Day in Glina, invitation

Zumba party – socialising and fitness!, 17 September 2010

Celebrated International Peace Day, 21 September 2010

Computer course for women started in Petrinja, 23 September 2010

In IKS even after the computer course!, 6 October 2010

2nd creative workshop in Petrinja, 7 October 2010

Fill in the questionnaire and take part in the survey, 12 Ocotber 2010

Thematic meeting: Internet as a profit-making opportunity, 14 October 2010

English language course started in Dvor, 12 October 2010

Held thematic meeting on Internet profit-making in Dvor, 14 October 2010

Manufacturing folk costumes of Graberje village, 16 October 2010

Canvas bags with folk motives, 4 November 2010

Preparation activities for fair in Marinbrod, 7 November 2010

Relaxing and fulfilling weaving, 16 November 2010

Manufacturing Christmas decorations in Glina, 15 November 2010

Women in Petrinja signing a petition, 16 November 2010

After canvas bags, manufacturing Christmas decorations in Petrinja, 16 November 2010

Held third educational module for women, Topusko, 20-21 November 2010

More Christmas decorations in IKS, 23 November 2010

Selling Christmas decorations for children gifts, 27 November 2010

Radio show on domestic violence, 19 November 2010

Women’s action groups presented their projects, 21 December 2010



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