Supported by Ministry of Family, Veterans’ Affairs and Intergenerational Solidarity, Sisak-Moslavina County and City of Sisak

Project “For Community without Domestic Violence”, is implementing in the period of 12 months in the area of Sisak-Moslavina County.
Overall objective of the project is to reduce domestic violence in Sisak-Moslavina County area, while specific aims of the project are:
- Giving first aid and strengthening the victims of domestic violence
- Achieving more quality protection of domestic violence victims in and out of the institutions
- Sensitising the public on issues of domestic violence and society’s responsibility in providing help for the victims.
The aims will be achieved throughout: existing Hot line for victims of domestic violence and Virtual self help group, 4 supervisions for the hot line volunteers, 3 public debates in different towns on topic “Domestic Violence – Responsibility of the Whole Community” and public awareness campaign on domestic violence issues.
The project will result with improved services for domestic violence victims and with bigger sensitivity of the wider community on domestic violence issues.
Associates in the project implementation:
City of Sisak – Administrative Department for Social Affairs
Dvor Municipality