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For Community without Domestic Violence (2010)

21. April 2019.

Supported by Town of Sisak, Administrative department for social affairs

Project “For Community without Domestic Violence”, is implementing in the period of 12 months in the area of Sisak-Moslavina County.

Overall objective of the project is to contribute in reducing domestic violence in Sisak-Moslavina County area, while specific aims of the project are:

  1. Giving first aid and strengthening the victims of domestic violence
  2. Achieving more quality protection of domestic violence victims in and out of the institutions
  3. Sensitising the public on issues of domestic violence and society’s responsibility in providing help for the victims.


  • Functioning of free-of-charge hot line for victims of domestic violence and on-line forum
  • Supervision of hot line volunteers
  • Call for short story competition on domestic violence topic and publishing Publication on domestic violence
  • 3 radio shows and pubic awareness campaign on domestic violence issues

The project will result with improved services for domestic violence victims and with bigger sensitivity of the wider community on domestic violence issues. The public campaign, except radio shows, includes public debate where the Publication on domestic violence will be presented – the Publication will include five best short stories of high schools student from the County area and City light posters in Sisak and Kutina (two biggest towns in the County) during November 2010 (dedicated to celebration of November 25, International Day of Combating Violence Against Women), printing and disseminating promotional and informative posters and flayers.

Hot line for victims of domestic violence is operating every day from 4 pm to 6 pm on 0800 357 357



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