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Held evaluation meeting in frame of project “Volunteering for Cross-border Local Community Development”

4. February 2012.

In framework of the project “Volunteering for Cross-Border development of local communities”, the evaluation meeting of the fisrt year of the project implementation was held in Banja Luka 1-3 February 2012. Representatives of project and local partners from Banja Luka, Sisak, Bihać and Derventa participated in the meeting

This meeting is planned project activity that had an aim toevaluate  level of success of the implementation of the first project year, more concretely related to establishment and development of local voluntary services in Sisak, Derventa and Bihać.

Participants of the meeting agreed that implementation of this part of the project was successful and that planned results were achieved. Furthermore, they concluded that other project activities are in on going phase related to establishment and development of local voluntary services in Kutina and Petrinja, as also related to development of local volunteering policies in Banja Luka, Sisak, Derventa, Bihać, Kutina and Petrinja.

Representatives of project partners highlighted importance, not only of this project, but also all future initiatives focused on cross-border cooperation and networking of organisations from these two countries regarding the promotion and development of volunteering.



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