Representatives of the Local Democracy Agency Sisak, Mrs Paula Raužan and Mrs Matea Strižić, had a working meeting with the Retired People Association – Branch “Sisak Stari” Executive Board members, held on the 3 February 2017 in the Association’ premises.
Topic of the meeting was presentation of a voluntary program dedicated to elderly people that aims to increase awareness and social inclusion of elderly people in a local community and therefore their improve life quality giving the opportunity to stay active, contribute to common good and feel that their skills are valuable.
For upcoming public debates, several topics were discussed, mostly addressing legal protection of elderly people against harmful contracts and against burglaries and thefts. The President of the Branch, Mr Daniel Mioč, thanked to offered cooperation, highlighting legal protection and physical help to ones living alone as a burning need of their members.
This meeting is part of a project “A Moment With Me – I am in because I am informed” implementing by the Centre for Civic Initiatives from Zagreb in partnership with the Local Democracy Agency Sisak and Fair Society Alliance from Bjelovar. Besides Sisak, the activities are implementing in Zagreb, Karlovac and Bjelovar. The Croatian Ministry for demography, family, youth and social policy funds the project.