REALPE (European network of progressive local authorities and councillors), IFE (European feminist initiative) and ALD Sisak (Local Democracy Agency Sisak) would be very happy to invite you to a European meeting on:
Tuesday 2 and Wednesday 3 February, 2010
in Sisak (Croatia) in hotel “Panonija”, near Zagreb
On the issue of men’s/womens’s rights equality, remarkable advances have been achieved. Yet, major inequalities persist among the 27 member states, and assets are being challenged. What progress has been made? What are the biggest threats? How to push forward the idea of necessarily harmonized women’s rights in Europe, on the basis of the most progressive criteria and of the most advances legislations?
Exchanges based on the situation in the spheres of labour, politics, sexuality.
Speakers include:
Lilian Halls-French, sociologist, chair of IFE
Jean-Paul Plassard, chair of Realpe
Paula Rauzan, chair LDA Sisak
Elected councillors, associations, trade unions from many European countries.
As a keynote speaker:
Ms. Eva-Britt Svensson, member of the European Parliament (Sweden), Head of the FEMM committee (women’s rights) at the European parliament
Ms. Gordana Lukac Koritnik, Croatian Gender Equality Ombudsperson
Ms. Helena Stimac Radin, Head of Croatian Government Office for Gender Equality
Registration, information with REALPE :
Lysiane Alezard, realpe@elunet.org
Tel. + 33 1 48 51 15 75
Registration, information with LDA Sisak
Paula Rauzan, Ldesk-si@sk.t-com.hr
Tel. +385 44 521 227
This event is one of the steps of the project “Giving a feel for Europe”, in the framework of the “Europe for citizens” programme of the European commission.