The first activity of the innovative project E-PANELS held in Skopje (Macedonia) from 3 to 4 March 2010. The conference “Citizens Participation in a Wider Europe: Role of Volunteering and ICT” gathered all project partners to discuss 1) How can ICT promote citizens’ participation and E-panel methodology” and 2) How can volunteering improve citizens’ involvementin the construction of Europe”.
– gather for the first time the partners and panels activators of the project
– introduce the topics that will be developed by the e-panels, i.e. citizen participation, the role of volunteering in the wider Europe and ICTs
– project successfully launched, with the full involvement of all partners
– agreement on a detailed action plan for the implementation of activities and on the methodology to be used
– theoretical and practical inputs from experts and participants on the topics further developed by e-panels
– project promoted, in particular in ALDA and partners’ networks
– make a step forward to bridge the gap between citizens and EU institutions
Ms Kristina Ferenac participated on behalf of the LDA Sisak, as well as our volunteers Mr Luka Franić and Mr Igor Pavlić, in charge as panels activators.