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LDA Sisak congratulates International Women’s Day, March 8

6. March 2008.

Local Democracy Agency Sisak congratulates the International Women’s Day – March 8, to all European female citizens.

On this occasion we want to pay public attention on women’s discrimination in all areas of life and work, especially on violence against women.

Since 1996 LDA Sisak has been working on gender equality project and from 2003 we started hot line for victims of domestic violence.

In 2007 we received 98 calls from all over Croatia, whereof 81% women and 19% men in the age of 16 – 70. The most common forms of help were such as: relationship with children, legal advices connected with guardianship, information regarding where and how to file a report against violent family members, ownership and property suits and divorcing process. Forms of the abuse were physical, psychological, structural and economical but women mostly recognize and report physical and psychological abuse.

Hot line for victims of domestic violence is operational on working days from 9 am to 1 pm on free-of-charge number 0800 357 357.

More information about the hot line see here.

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