In a framework of a project “For a Community without Domestic Violence” Local Democracy Agency Sisak on 17 September 2007 announced a Contest for a Short story on domestic violence for high schools pupils in Sisak-Moslavina County.
The Contest has been open till 8 October 2007 by then 48 stories applied. The stories have been coded by numbers in order to ensure authors’ anonymous and objectivity of the Jury of experts.
Jury of experts composed of:
1. Romana Sertić – Golić, professor of Croatian language and literature
2. Danijel Prerad, journalist and editor in Radio Sisak
3. Katica Svoboda, Advisor in Administrative Department for Social Affairs in City of Sisak
selected five best stories as follows:
1) Nadmoć (Supremacy) – Dino Pešut / Gymnasium Sisak
2) Papirnati vojnik (Paper Soldier) – Predrag Stojić / High school Glina
3) Zovem se Ana (My Name is Ana) – Luna Banda / High school Tin Ujević, Kutina
4) Oni to zaslužuju (They Deserve It) – Zdenka Petrak / High school Glina
5) Šest sati i pedeset i sedam minuta (Six Hours and Fifty-seven Minutes) – Sabrina Fetibegović / Gymnasium Sisak
Selected stories will be published in a Publication on domestic violence and awarded with 500,00 Kuna. The winners will received their prizes during Publication’s public promotion on which date will be informed afterwards.
We congratulate authors of the selected stories and especially thank to all pupil who applied to the Contest and wish all success in their future literature expression.