Supported by Youth in Action Programme of European Commission

The theme of this training course is raising the quality of EVS projects with SEE region. Organizations from SEE and their partners in EU already have many positive experiences, although not much EVS volunteers were exchanged with SEE region.
Some experiences were not so great from volunteers and/or for organisations involved. This training course will try to answer to questions – what makes EVS project a high quality project and great experience for volunteers and partners involved (sending organisation and host organisation)? Is there something different when we cooperate with SEE region? How to involve youth with fewer opportunities in EVS exchanges with SEE countries? Moreover, how new priorities and objectives of Youth in Action will affect future EVS projects; contributes to the empowerment of young people, their participation in local communities and awareness of EU and its values?
South East European Youth Network (SEEYN) is lead partner in the project, while LDA Sisak is one of the 22 participating partners from 13 countries. Training will be hosted by Youth Centre Livno, Bosnia and Herzegovina.