Youth Communicative Centre Banja Luka (OKC) hosted participants from Sisak, Bihać and Derventa at the training “Volunteers’ management in local communities”, implementing in a framework of “Volunteering for Cross-border Local Community Development” project, funded by European Union, IPA Cross-border program Croatia-Bosnia and Herzegovina. The training took place in hotel Ćetojević from May 4-7 2011, facilitated by experience trainers Mr. Jugoslav Jevđić and Ms. Sabina Čano.
The training aim was to educate participants on work of volunteers’ centres that are to be opening Sisak, Derventa and Bihać during June 2011. The participants received knowledge and practical work on following topics: volunteers’ management cycle, SWOT analysis of needed volunteers programs in their communities, planning and developing of volunteers programs, volunteers’ management, leadership and communication styles and models, monitoring, supervision and evaluation of volunteers’ work, possible obstacles in work of volunteers centre and recommendations for resolving, questionnaires, volunteers’ centre work regulation and development of volunteers’ placements for next period.
The training participants’ were representatives of the LDA Sisak (project leader in Croatia), Women for Una and BIOSPlus (project partners), and Red Cross Sisak, Home for elderly people Sisak, Centre for social welfare Sisak, Institute of blind people “Budućnost” Derventa, Derventa Municipality, Centre for social welfare Derventa, association “Radosti druženja” Bihać and Bihać Municipality.