Group of youngsters age 18-25 from Croatia participated in the Youth exchange titled “Intercultural Dialogue Camp – Sturba 2008” held in Livno (Bosnia and Herzegovina), 21 July – 1 August 2008.
The Youth exchange is a product of cooperation between Local Democracy Agency Sisak with following participating organisations: Youth Centre Livno (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Cambridge House (United Kingdom), Life Zone (Pärnu, Estonia), Youth Cultural Centre Bitola (Macedonia) and Going to Europe (Modena, Italy).
The theme of the exchange was to promote intercultural understanding between participants of other communities and different cultures.
- To develop a performance piece or presentation based around the notion of national identity within a wider Europe.
- To develop and enhance the skills of young people regarding the organisation of leisure and working time.
- To foster mutual cooperation and understanding through delivery of an international project.
The Youth exchange was carried out throughout financial assistance of the European Union “Youth in Action” Programme.