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Youth workshop on entrepreneurship for Sisak Technical School students

26. January 2017.

High interest of young people in the active involvement in the local community development through creating, realising and implementing their own ideas confirmed at the workshop on entrepreneurship held in Sisak Technical School on the 24 January 2017. Similar to the workshop on entrepreneurship for youth held in December 2016, students had a chance to learn the most important concepts related to entrepreneurship and competences needed to be a successful entrepreneur.

Local Democracy Agency Sisak organised the workshop as a part of the “RAISE – Raising the Advantages of Youth through Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship” project, funded by the EU Erasmus Plus program.

The workshop facilitated Lahorka Zec, a professor in Sisak Technical School and Antonela Gajdek, an LDA Sisak volunteer who gained their skills and knowledge about non-formal education for young people on the training for trainers for educating youth on entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship hold in Albania in 2016.

The main goal of the RAISE project is to improve the employability and professional competences of young people in partner organisations, so the main purpose of the workshop was to introduce the concept of the entrepreneurship and transfer useful knowledge to students.

Through motivating and interactive atmosphere, 19 Technical School students had a chance to learn about the importance on taking the active role in planning their professional development and being active in their local community. Students’ abundant knowledge on entrepreneurship good practice in Croatia complemented with a clear vision about competences needed to be an entrepreneur.

The students were encouraged to develop their creativity that helped them in translating their entrepreneurship ideas into practice. They expressed interested in more workshops on entrepreneurship but on volunteering, youth activism and employment of young people as well.

The workshops on entrepreneurship for youth implemented by the LDA Sisak within the RAISE project show us the importance of lifelong learning and non-formal education on raising young people’ awareness on active involvement in local community life.



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