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Actions for Capacity Building of Local Governments and Non-governmental organisations in SEE (2004-2006)

4. February 2004.

Sponsored by Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Association of Italian Municipalities (ANCI) and Association of the Local Democracy Agencies

The project supports the process of democratization in Southern and Eastern Europe. It promotes pluralism both at political and civil society level by strengthening institutions and organisations; it promotes participation of citizens in the decision-making process and deal with the consequences of conflict.

During the three years of the project implementation following activities was carried out:

  • 3 training needs assessments with Sisak-Moslavina local authorities and nongovernmental organisations aiming to examine educational needs in capacity building
  • 6 trainings of trainers with purpose of local capacity building
  • 6 trainings for local authorities and nongovernmental organisations on conflict management, participatory planning process, communication and public relations, European affairs, advanced participatory planning process and EU funds and application procedures
  • Participatory Planning Process (PPP) case – the PPP case was conducted with Ethnic Minority Council (EMC) of Bosniac minority in Sisak-Moslavina County. It was consisted of need assessment process and analysis; of the particular workshops aimed to improve the participation of young people in the local public life and in the decision making process in order to foster their integration into Croatian society. During the PPP case it was developed the networks of ethnic majority and minority youth representatives who are enabled to plan and to implement common initiatives and activities
  • Info point – open in LDA every Tuesday and Thursday from 10-15 where citizens have free access to Internet and several Croatian and foreign daily and weekly newspapers and magazines, books, handbooks and manuals on psycho-social issues, human rights protection, minority rights protection etc. published by the Council of Europe, EU, OSCE and UN, Croatian Ministry for the European integration and Croatian association for psycho-social support.
  • Youth workshop 2004 – LDA Sisak organised youth exchange in Sisak with Italian Youth NGO “Gruppo di Pace” and Croatian Youth NGOs “IKS”, “Amnesty International” and Association of the Blind People. The aim of the workshop was:
    • presentation of different cultures and youth cultural activities and interests
    • Sensibilization and gathering of 12 to 20 young people from Sisak and Mogliano Veneto area;
    • Exchange of experiences in human rights promotion and protection
    • Exchange of experiences and knowledge in YNGO activities
    • Creation of the action plan for future cooperation
  • Youth workshop 2005 – organised in cooperation with the lead partner City of Mogliano Veneto, between youth organisations from Croatia (Sisak and Petrinja) and Italy (Mogliano Veneto). It gathered 17 participants with the aim to present different projects carried out by the youth, to exchange experience and to plan possible cooperation in the future. Croatian youth met with the representatives of the City of Mogliano Veneto responsible for youth issues and got to know the city administration efforts in the youth policy development. They met with representatives of Punto Giovani (Youth Point) where they had opportunity to hear for some concrete youth actions implemented so far. Croatian participants said that this experience was refreshing for them especially, as they said: “To see the differences but also the similarities in the work of different organisations”and very interesting because of: “Representatives of the Municipality and their enthusiasm for further join work”.
  • International Youth Training 2006 – about Youth Programme of the European Commission; organised in cooperation with LDAs Osijek and Subotica in Subotica/Serbia.
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