Vaš partner u izgradnji demokracije

”Community in the centre – socio-cultural centres as spaces of allies and solidarity” has officially started

28. April 2021.

The project is financed through Ad hoc action projects of the Active CITIZENS Fund in Croatia (the project is co-financed by financial mechanisms of the European Economic Area and the Kingdom of Norway). Project is coordinated by Croatian Youth Network. Partners on the project are Udruga IKS, Agencija lokalne demokracije Sisak and Operacija grad.

The project will last until 30th of June 2021, and the following activities will be implemented through it:

  • Advocacy of foundation of Socio-cultural centres (SCC) as answers to crisis situation
  • Launch of a platform for Socio-cultural centres (SCC)
  • Promotion of Socio-cultural centres (SCC) and crowdfunding campaign for establishment of social-cultural centres

We are really happy that we got financial support for this project because its implementation will have great impact on local population in Sisak-Moslavina county. Before the pandemic and earthquake, Sisak-Moslavina county was already one of the least developed counties in Croatia, so the situation there only got worse. We want to give support for CSOs engaged in helping the local population in the earthquake-affected areas which themselves suffered significant damage and their work was disrupted or completely disabled when it comes to project implementation and regular activities.  As one of the solutions to the difficult situation of CSOs in Sisak and Petrinja, related to space and capacities, Socio-cultural centres are imposed as a successful model in creating conditions for social development and increasing the quality of life. In addition to providing space and resources to sustain activities, they enable citizens to create, consume, design and propose content of public interest while establishing participatory governance models.

It is important to strengthen existing CSO capacities and establish new ones to establish functioning SCCs. 



The views expressed in this text are the sole responsibility of the Local Democracy Agency Sisak and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the donator states and Fond Operater.

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